Since 1996, we have proudly been serving the websites of businesses and individuals with stable, reliable hosting at an affordable price. Our Reliable Website Hosting in {{lpg_city}} {{lpg_state}} offers efficiency, flexibility, affordability and is built on your choice of Windows or Linux platforms. We pride ourselves on excellent 24-hour customer support, state of the art servers, and solid network connectivity so you can be sure your site will be up around the clock.
If you are coming to us then you know you are in need of a hosting provider, but you may be unsure if Reliable Website Hosting in {{lpg_city}} {{lpg_state}} is right for you. There are plenty of pros of shared hosting and plenty of cons of it as well.
The key is that you are aware of what you are paying for and reach a decision if shared hosting is for you.
What is a shared hosting server?
A shared hosting server is the server that your website will reside on. That server however will not only be hosting your website but many other websites as well. All of these sites share the same server and as such have the same bandwidth limits, overall cost, etc.
Whether you should invest in a shared hosting server as opposed to a private hosting server will rely heavily on what kind of website you run and how much you are willing to deal with having neighbors who also use the same server as you.
There are going to be websites where a shared hosting server is preferred to a dedicated server. If you are unsure if you are one of those websites then you can always contact us at Power Surge and we can help you decide that.
Who usually uses Reliable Website Hosting in {{lpg_city}} {{lpg_state}}
The kind of websites that use shared hosting are typically smaller websites. Think small businesses, brick and mortar shops, and websites that do not do the primary amount of their work in an online environment.
Why do small businesses use Reliable Website Hosting in {{lpg_city}} {{lpg_state}}?
Small businesses use shared hosting because they typically use less bandwidth than larger companies. This is especially true of websites that are more there as an advertisement of services than one that people are actively working through consistently.
Many shared hosting options include bandwidth limits. The more bandwidth that gets used the more expensive it becomes. On a shared hosting server, everyone needs to follow their bandwidth limits as passing them could not only lead to a higher bill for whoever went over, but could also lead to slower servers for everyone they share the server with. It is very much a communal effort.
This communal effort does have the added benefit of lowering the cost for everyone else as well. On a shared server the overall cost is split among everyone that is using that server and as a result, the price of the server lessens considerably. This is again a great option for small businesses because they typically do not need to be spending tons of money on server fees. They just need something that allows them to stay running.
Not only this, but Power Surge offers cost options that help you get the most value over what you are spending. We understand that if you are looking into a shared hosting server then cost is something you already put a lot of stock into.
Many small businesses don’t have the IT staff to handle their own server. When server issues exist they usually have to call someone else to handle it and fix whatever is broken. When you work with Power Surge we already have an IT team that can handle any server issues that come up. We are reliable and trustworthy and we understand that for every second our server is down is a second lost for you.
What does Power Surge offer that’s different?
With plenty of shared hosting services out there you may think that you can just pick anyone and call it there, but what Power Surge above the rest is shared hosting that benefits you beyond cost and reliable IT work. Our affordable packages provide the best benefits of any shared hosting provider.
Unique IP Address
One concern with shared hosting is having to share an IP address with anyone else on the server. With Power Surge you are guaranteed one unique IP address for your website. If someone else that is sharing your server does something that gets their IP address shut down it will not impact you in any way. So you can focus on what you are doing and not worry about what anyone else on the shared server is doing.
This is a $60 value and you are receiving it packaged in for as little as $8.85 a month.
Power Surge shared hosting services also include:
- Premium Storage
- 1TB of Bandwidth
- 100 Unique Sites
- 100 Databases
- 1000 Email Addresses
- 1 Unique IP Address
- 1 FREE Domain Name
- Custom Control Panel
We offer packages of 2-years, 1-year, and monthly for anyone that doesn’t want to commit long term, or would like a trial run to test us out.
Contact Us to know more
If you think you are ready to invest in a Reliable Website Hosting Plan in {{lpg_city}} {{lpg_state}} or if you have more questions on if it’s the right hosting service for you then feel free to chat us or use our contact page and fill out a ticket! We can’t wait to hear from you.